Sangita's Kitchen (Classic Food)

Ui Design, Responsive Design, Functionality

Our best Reviewing recipes including Beef-Samosas, Chicken Curry, Fish Curry and more. You can now leave a star rating and review on any recipe on this site. "Five stars" is the highest rating and one star is the lowest. Here are some general guidelines:

  • 5 Stars = Outstanding!
  • 4 Stars = Really liked it
  • 3 Stars = Liked it/average
  • 2 Stars = Not great/just okay
  • 1 Star = Didn't like it
Yes, we require at least 100 characters of review text to go along with a recipe rating. Share things like how easy/difficult it was, any changes you made, would you make it again, etc.


  • JWT Authentication is the project's standout feature because it prevents hackers from accessing your personal data.
  • By clicking on the service card picture and the service details page picture, you may make every service's image full-screen.
  • I've decided to use React Bootstrap for Sangita's Kitchen UI. Its popularity stems from the fact that it was rebuilt for React.
  • I've selected React Hot Toast to display error and success messages. If you provided any incorrect information, it will assist you in rectifying it.
  • When we reload the page after data loading from the database and after logging in on the private route page. The loading spinner will be visible. I've crossed out React Loader Spinner for this.
  • For multi pages view, I've used React Router Dom for this.

Packages, I've used

  • react-photo-view
  • react-loader-spinner
  • react-hot-toast
  • react-icons
  • react-bootstrap
  • react-router-dom
  • firebase
  • Many More ...

Sangita's Kitchen